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Auto Mouse Clicker 6,3/10 2881votes

AutoMouseClickerDownload Free Mouse Auto Clicker 3. Automatic mouse clicks every certain amount of time. Pc Tuning Best Program. Free Mouse Auto Clicker is a small application that, simply put, will. GS Auto Clicker is a useful tool to automatically click mouse instead of hand. Auto Typer and Auto Clicker Download. Auto Clicker and Auto Typer 2 in 1 can help whenever you have. Built in Auto Typer can be used to type Text and press Keyboard keys with a configurable Hot Key or Shortcut Key. Built in Auto Clicker can be used to simulate mouse clicks at the press of a configurable hot key. One unique feature of this 2 in 1 program is that it allows user to mix clicks and typing, and then user can save this sequence of inputs as a robot, and assign a hot key i. Auto Mouse Clicker' title='Auto Mouse Clicker' />So at the press of the hot key, the clicking and typing will be started automatically. The program enables user to create and save mutiple robots, where each robot may serve for different purpose. Schedule feature enables tasks to be run at a pre defined time, so that auto clicking and auto typing can happen even when user is not in front of the computer. Download Link 1. Download Link 2. Key Features. Various click types supported left click, right click, double click, click hold, mouse up. Full control of delay or interval between clicks. Drag and drop are supported. User can work at the same time of clicking. Input text to text input box, forms, edit box, etc. Press any keyboard keys. Save text inputs and keys press as a robot. Enable shortcut keys to startstop robot i. Easily edit actions text inputs and keys press in a robot. Multiple clicks and typing enabled in one robot a robot is series of clicks and typingMultiple robots can be saved so that user can schedule them to run at different time. Schedule robot to run at a pre defined time. User can specify number of times to run robot, or run until stop shortcut key is pressed. Auto Mouse Clicker Murgee CrackAuto Mouse Clicker WindowsEasily edit or remove saved robots. Impprove productivity and accuracy. For drag, or drag and drop, first add click hold at drag point, then add release at target, or drop point. Awards. Get Auto Click and Auto Typer 2 in 1 With Only 2. Now. Auto Clicker and Auto Typer 2 in 1s usual price is 5. Grab your piece before this offer ends. Your subscription includes. Full version. of Auto Clicker and Auto Typer 2 in 1. Auto Clicker and Auto Typer. Limited Offer Usual Price. Special Promotion Price 2. Save 3. 4. 9. 5 Today How to use Auto Typer Asoftech. Download and install Auto Clicker and Auto Typer 2 in 1. Launch Auto Clicker and Auto Typer 2 in 1 with Shortcut on Desktop or from Programs Menu. Program main window shows a list of robots a robot is series of text input and key press. Click Add Robot to add series of text input and key press. In Add Robot dialog, you can specify the position, interval and type of clicks, the text to input, key to press, start and stop keyboard shotcuts. Click Save to save robot. Now you can press start keyboard shotcut to start the auto clicking and typing. This software can record all the clicks and typing that you do on your computer and then replay it for you which means it will do every action that you did on your computer again. You can do wonders with this software, all you need is some innovation so happy innovating. Now lets see how to use this software. To start with the interface, Record button will start recording your mouse click, in addition to mouse clicks if you want to record cursor movement too, go ahead and check record cursor movement too. Once you are done with recording click Stop button to stop it. Now you can see your recording written as a script in the box. To play this script simply click Play button. You can stop anywhere in between by clicking on Stop button. You can also loop this script by checking Loop and entering a loop value. Now if you want to save this script to a file you can click on Save List button but if you do not want to save it and need fresh recording simply click Clear List button. You may also start by opening an already saved list by clicking on Open List button. Once a script is loaded or recorded you have an option to specify custom delay between each action, you can do this by entering a delay time in milliseconds 1 sec 1. Change Delay button and then clicking on Change Delay button. Almost all mentioned functions can also be performed by Hot Keys. Simply click on Hot Keys button and set them all. In hot keys list you will find Left, Right and Double click entries, this provides a quick clicking action whereever your mouse cursor is pointed. The delay specifies delay between these consecutive quick clicks. Suppose you set CTRLSHIFTL for left click, now suppose you have also set the loop in main window to 1. CTRLSHIFTL, as you expected mouse will click at that point 1. This software also provides a great feature called Auto Script Keys. By this you can set hotkeys for upto 1. This means whatever you are doing if you need your favorite script to run, you simply need to press its hotkey. Finally, minimizing this software will send it to system tray which must be done if you want hotkeys to be active. If you do not want hotkeys to be active simply close it. So simply download Auto Clicker Typer and enjoy.