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Compaq Presario V6000 Sound Drivers For Windows Xp Free Download 9,9/10 6918votes

Laptop does not start. Fixing the problem. If your laptop does not start at all or it starts but will not boot properly, its possible that you can fix the laptop at home without taking it to a repair center. Here are some troubleshooting tips for you. Im not sure if I can cover all situation at once, so I will update this post as more examples come into my mind. Situation 1. The laptop appears to be dead. You plug the AC adapter but the LEDs power light, hard drive light, battery charge light, etc do not light up and the laptop will not react at all if you press on the power button. First of all in this situation check the AC adapter. You can test the output voltage with a voltmeter. If you cannot do that, find a known good AC adapter and use it for testing the laptop. Compaq Presario V6000 Sound Drivers For Windows Xp Free Download' title='Compaq Presario V6000 Sound Drivers For Windows Xp Free Download' />Compaq Presario V6000 Sound Drivers For Windows Xp Free DownloadIt is possible the laptop appears to be dead because the AC adapter is bad and the battery is discharged. If you know that the AC adapter is working properly and it outputs correct voltage but the laptop is still dead, most likely you have a power issue on the motherboard or power board on some laptops and it has to be replaced. In this guide I explain how to disassemble a Compaq Presario F700 notebook. The guide might work for some other Compaq and HP models. I think the disassembly steps. Google is compensated by these merchants. Payment is one of several factors used to rank these results. Tax and shipping costs are estimates. Compaq Presario V6000 Sound Drivers For Windows Xp Free Download' title='Compaq Presario V6000 Sound Drivers For Windows Xp Free Download' />If you have to replace the AC adapter, make sure you use a correct one. The output voltage must be exactly the same as on the original adapter. The output amperage has to be the same as on the original adapter or higher, but not lower. Situation 2. When you plug the AC adapter the power LED and the battery charge LED light up. When you press on the power button the laptop powers up but will not start. There is no video on LCD or external monitor. If the power LED lights up it indicates that the laptop is getting power from the AC adapter. Most likely there is nothing wrong with the adapter but just in case test it with a voltmeter to make sure the output voltage is correct. Also try this. Unplug the AC adapter, remove the battery and wait for 1 2 minutes. After that plug the AC adapter ans try starting the laptop again. Sometimes this trick helps. It also could be a memory related problem. Try reseating the memory module, just remove it from the slot on the motherboard and install it back. Try installing the memory module into the other slot if its available. If you have two memory modules installed, try removing them one by one and start the laptop just with one memory module installed. If the laptop starts fine with one memory module in both slots, but will not start with the second memory module in both slots, the second memory module is faulty. Replace the module. If the laptop starts fine with both memory modules when they are installed in the slot A, but will not start with both memory modules installed in the slot B, the slot B is faulty and youll have to replace the motherboard or use only one memory slot. Situation 3. When you press on the power button, the laptop makes a series or short and long beeps and will not start up. There is no video on the screen. In this situation test the memory module as I described in the situation. Try installing a known good memory module. Most likely you are getting a beep error because of a faulty memory. Situation 4. You start the laptop. It sounds like the laptop is booting normally hard drive LED is flashing but there is no video on the screen. In this situation test the laptop with an external monitor. If the external screen works fine but there is no video on the laptop LCD, most likely there is a problem inside the laptop display assembly. Go to my previous post witch covers laptop video problems in more details. Situation 5. You start the laptop and it starts making repetitive clicking noise or grinding noise. Most likely you hear this noise because of a faulty hard drive. You can remove the hard drive and start the laptop without it. If the noise is gone, the hard drive is your problem. Replace it. If the laptop makes clicking or grinding noises and you still have video on the screen, you can run a hard drive test utility. I usually use Hitachis drive fitness test. This test is reliable and easy to use. Situation 6. The laptop boots into Windows ans works for a while, but after that it shuts down by itself without any reason or warning. Forkplayer Torrent Tv Ru there. You restart the laptop but the same problem appears again. Most likely its a heat related issue. Listen for the cooling fan, make sure it works. Also this problem might appear because of a faulty memory module, try some tips from the situation 2. The laptop still boots ans you still can see the screen, so you can run the memory test. I usually use Memtest. Run the memory test and if it fails, replace the faulty module. Situation 6. The laptop starts normally but video on the screen has lines, some strange characters or other defects. It could indicate a problem with the laptop LCD screen, video cable, graphics card or motherboard. Heres my previous post witch covers troubleshooting bad images on the screen in more details. Related post How to troubleshoot dead laptops. Display assembly diagram Laptop Repair 1. Here is a simple diagram that will help you to understand how a notebook display assembly works and how an image appears on the screen. Im not an artist and I tried my best drawing this diagram, so if you cannot see a laptop in this picture, dont be mad. A generic display assembly includes a very few parts and knowing them will help you to understand witch part can cause a problem if you laptop video not working properly. Video cable. A video signal from the motherboard goes to the LCD screen through the video cable. Install Driver Software For Samsung Mobile Usb Modem'>Install Driver Software For Samsung Mobile Usb Modem. The video cable connects to the motherboard or video card through the connector 1. The video cable connects to the LCD screen through the connector 2. The video cable in most cases is also responsible for supplying a necessary voltage for the FL inverter board. The video cable connects to the FL inverter board at the point 3. FL inverter board. Ice Ai Traffic Fsx. This board is responsible for converting low voltage DC power point 3 to high voltage AC point 4, necessary to light up the backlight bulb. If the FL inverter board is bad, the LCD screen backlight bulb will not light up when you turn on the laptop, but you still should be able to see a very dim image on the screen. CCFL backlight bulb. When the backlight bulb lights up, you can see an images on the LCD screen. In most cases the backlight bulb is a part of the LCD screen and if its bad, the entire screen has to be replaced. By the way, some specialized repair shops can replace the backlight bulb itself. Lid close switch. The lid close switch is a small button that locates close to the display hinges. On some newer models there is no button, because the switch is magnetic. You can set up your laptop to go to a hibernation mode or to a standby mode when the LCD is closed. Its done through power management software. These modes are triggered when the display is closed and the lid close switch is pressed down. If the LCD screen on your laptop will not light up when you open the display assembly, check the lid close switch is stuck inside it might happen because the switch is dirty. Related articles Fixing notebook video problems. Disassemble LCD screen with water damage. Screen inverter replacement. Laptop has bad video on the screen.