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OraclePatchsetUpgrade1. UNIX Silent Mode with Minimum downtime. Recently we upgraded our oracle database from 1. Patchset Oracle' title='Patchset Oracle' />Not long ago I got a warning from Oracle Enterprise Manager that the REDO diskgroup on one of our ODAs exceeded the warning threshold of 75. Portrait Professional Token Generator. Hello Friends,first I have updated a sandbox from oracle 11. But now I have installed patchset 11. Profiling trace files with preprocessor external tables in 11g. External tables were introduced in Oracle 9i but have had several new features added through the major. Oracle Database 11gR2. SQLID andor PLANHASHVALUE are used almost globally across Oracle database to identify query. This is not a case for SPM mechanism using different. Author Marcin Przepiorowskihttp hIDSERP,5307. ORA00020 maximum number of processes s exceededBlogs Oracle database grid technology ASM, RAC, Enterprise Manager, virtualization, cloud computing and linux. AESNI Advanced Encryption Standard New Instructions AMD. Recently we upgraded our oracle database from 11. SBP with out of Place Patching technique which involves minimum possible downtime for. Ax5LdD35h1c/USDcOvpqO8I/AAAAAAAACjg/jk9yYAVnKEI/s1600/Untitled.png' alt='Patchset Oracle' title='Patchset Oracle' />Patchset Oracle Accreditation Program Increase your productivity by using Oracles Accreditation Program our new framework to accelerate your knowledge of our Oracle. Purpose This article will show you how to check the supported Oracle upgrade paths under SAP environment. Overview You are planning to upgrade your Oracle source. Patchset Oracle' title='Patchset Oracle' />SBP with out of Place Patching technique which involves minimum possible downtime for the database. This is just a summary and should be used a reference only. Before starting the upgrade process for 1. SAP notes. Few I have mentioned below. Oracle 1. 1. 2. 0 Database Software Installation. Oracle 1. 1. 2. 0 Central Technical Note. Oracle 1. 1. 2. 0 Troubleshooting the Database Upgrade. Patching of Oracle Homes with Minimal Downtime. Oracle 1. 1. 2. 0 Upgrade Scripts. As with any upgrade,before starting, take a full consistent backup of the oracle database and also the current oracle home and binaries. Anything can go wrong on any step during the upgrade. After you have downloaded the oracle 1. Oracle Installation scripts available with the database software, with the scripts which are attached to SAP Note 1. The SAP specific installation scripts RUNINSTALLER, RUNINSTALLERCHECK, and 1. SAP in the Oracle database software. Stage the software at an appropriate locationnfs share or locally on the server. Checking the Software Installation Prerequisites Check the prerequisites for the Oracle Universal Installer OUI. Log on as the Oracle user oralt dbsid. Change to stage directory  cd lt stageDirectory databaseSAPExecute the following command to check operating system requirements release, patches, and kernel parameters. RUNINSTALLER check installhome oracleSID1. SID1. 126. 4 silent  noinstall. Logs are also written in directory oracleSIDora. Inventorylogs  or where your ora. Inventory is located. Apply missing OS patches and set OS kernel parameters as recommended by the check results if any. Database Software Installation. Check the Environment Variables. Do not make the changes to the environment permanent while the old database is  running permanent. We make them permanent in the database structure upgrade step. Make sure that the following environment variables are set for oralt sid ORACLEBASEORACLESIDORACLEHOMENLSLANGSAPDATAHOMELDLIBRARYPATHPATHBacking Up the Central Oracle Inventory. Before you install the new Oracle database patch set software, you need to back up the central Oracle inventory. Start the installation of new oracle software 1. Navigate to the oracle stage directory. Directory databaseSAP. RUNINSTALLER silent installhome oracleSID1. SID1. 126. 4 Let the process run and complete successfully. Logs are also written in directory oracleSIDora. Inventorylogs  or where your ora. Delphi Quick Report Pdf'>Delphi Quick Report Pdf. Inventory is located. Installing the Required SAP Bundle Patch. After the Oracle database software installation, you need to install the required SAP bundle patch using the oracle SBP upgrade script. Download the latest SAP Bundle patch for oracle 1. Downloaded and copy to appropriate location. Set ORACLEHOME oracleSID1. New Oracle homeDo a cd to the SBP patch folder  Extract the latest version of Opatch and MOpatch from the zip file as below. We applied SBP SBP1. ORACLEHOMEsapbundle SAP1. V3. P1. 40. 2 2. ZIP SBP1. OPatchmv ORACLEHOMEOPatch ORACLEHOMEOPatch pre SBP1. ORACLEHOMEsapbundleSBP1. OPatch ORACLEHOMEOPatchunzip qd ORACLEHOMEsapbundle SAP1. V3. P1. 40. 2 2. ZIP SBP1. MOPatchtest d ORACLEHOMEMOPatch mv ORACLEHOMEMOPatch ORACLEHOMEMOPatch pre SBP1. ORACLEHOMEsapbundleSBP1. MOPatch ORACLEHOMEMOPatch. Please refer to the relevant SBP Readme. SBP you are applying  5. Start the SBP bundle patch installation with the following command. Make sure link script is executed successfully at the very end. ORACLEHOMEMOPatchmopatch. Patchzipfile Logs are also written in directory oracleSIDora. Inventorylogs  or where your ora. Inventory is located. At this stage, our new oracle database software has been installed, SBP applied and ready for the upgrade. Copying and Adapting the SQLet Files. After the database software installation, copy and modify the old SQLet files,  copy the SQLet parameter files from lt oldORACLEHOME networkadmin to lt newORACLEHOME networkadmin. Running the Pre Upgrade Scripts. Run the Oracle pre upgrade scripts, which automatically perform various tasks and checks on database. See SAP Note 1. 43. Always execute these scripts as the oralt dbsid user connected to the database as sysdba in the pre upgrade environment of the database to be upgradedpreupgradetasks. You can check the results of the pre upgrade scripts by looking at the following log files preupgradestatus. Note You can run the pre upgrade scripts as often as necessary. Oracle Database Upgrade. This section describes how to upgrade the Oracle database. Back up the Oracle database Shut down the SAP system and Oracle listener process. Upgrade the database structure. To upgrade the database structure, you need to start the Oracle Database Upgrade Assistant DBUA. Set environment variable ORACLEHOMESRC mandatory. ORACLEHOMESRC specifies the source Oracle home. This is the Oracle home from which the database instance  is currently running and which is configured in environment variable ORACLEHOME. ORACLEHOMESRC ORACLEHOME   2. Set environment variable ORACLEHOMETGT mandatory. ORACLEHOMETGT specifies the target Oracle home. This is the Oracle home        to which the database is going to  be upgraded. ORACLEHOMETGT oracleSID1. Check DBUA help  . Silent ModeChecking the Upgrade Environment Upgrade Settingscd ORACLEHOMETGTsaporaupgradepostupgrade. Start the DBUA wrapper script in query mode to check and review the upgrade environment without starting the database upgrade assistant DBUA. Silent ModeUpgrading database command          . Silent ModeAt this point database has been upgraded to release 1. Do not start the database as we are still in the old oracle home environment. Rename old oracle home directory, remove the link 1. DBSID 1. 126. DBSID 1. DBSID 1. 126. Unset obsolete environment variablesunsetenv ORACLEHOMESRCunsetenv ORACLEHOMETGT Start the oracle database from the upgraded new environment. Adjust your fixcontrol event parameters settings in spfile as mentioned in the patch README. You can check the upgrade status with the following command sqlplus as sysdba postupgradestatus. Check spool log file postupgradestatus. Starting the Listener Process and SAP System. Make sure that you have copied the SQLet configuration files from the old Oracle installation to the location of the Oracle Database. As oralt sid user. Start the listener  lsnrctl start. Do a lt tnsping SID to check the connectivity. Check the connectivity of the SAP system with the upgrade database with command R3trans d and if OK, start the SAP system. Backup the upgraded database consistently again. Same process can be used for upgrading to version 1. Please check the relevant upgrade guides for more information. Current Patch Set for Oracle Database Release 1. Hi. I am upgrading oracle 1. G to 1. 1GR2 in AIX 5. Environment with SAP ECC6, I have just just installled Oracle 1. Database Upgrade Guide Upgrade to Oracle Database 1. Release 2 1. 1. 2 UNIX. After database software installation, in upgrade manual in section 3. R2 and referencing a SAP note 1. I have just read note 1. Current Patch Set for Oracle Database Release 1. SAP customers until December 2. I donu. 20. 19t find the note 1. Please let me know how I can get current patch set to apply with Oracle 1. Is it in SAP service market placeI also want to upgrade my installation to oracle 1. I get the patch set to upgrade from 1. I have to live with 1. SAP Bundle Patch SBP.